Gummy Smile

Sometimes your smile may be aesthetically unappealing because of over-exposed gums. Gummy smile correction will not only fetch you confidence by correcting the aesthetic part but it also prevents gum infection. With our advanced technologies and super-specialised dentists, we can perfectly correct a gummy smile.


  • Hyperactive upper lips
  • Gum overgrowth
  • Decreased crown length
  • The overexposed gums are removed with advanced LASER technology. The area is cleaned, sterilised and prepared for the treatment to take over.
  • The area is anaesthetised locally so that you don’t feel any pain or discomfort. The LASERS are used to remove the overgrown gums or lengthen the tooth height. By doing so, a perfect proportion between the gums and tooth is achieved.
  • The procedure will take minimal time and with our advanced technology, you will not require a suture.