Orthodontic problems, which can result from genetic and environmental factors, must be diagnosed before treatment begins. Proper diagnosis involves taking photographs, x-rays and dental impressions, which enable our best dentists to make informed decisions about the treatment necessary.

How do Braces Straighten Crooked Teeth?

Braces use constant, gentle pressure, which over time moves teeth into their proper positions. Your braces are at work every moment of your orthodontic treatment. The two main components of your braces are the brackets that are placed on your teeth and the main archwire that connects them.The bracket is a piece of shaped metal or ceramic that we affix to each tooth, and serves as a handle to control each tooth. The archwire is connected to each brace and provides the force needed to move the teeth.

The wire threads through the brackets and, as the wire tries to return to its original shape, it applies pressure to move your teeth. Picture your tooth resting in your jawbone. With pressure on one side from the arch wire, the bone on the other side gives way. The tooth moves. New bone grows behind.


Invisalign is a teeth alignment system using cutting-edge technology which sets its custom-made manufacture and so the success rate of its clinical outcomes apart. It delivers on efficiency, efficacy, its discreet aesthetic appearance and on user comfort.

The Invisalign® system creates a set of virtually invisible and removable plastic trays (aligners or sometimes called splints) which are manufactured on a bespoke basis to provide a perfect fit over a patient’s teeth at every stage of the treatment process. Often referred to as “invisible braces”, Invisalign® is a popular alternative to adult braces or traditional braces as the system can be removed and is entirely discreet.

The secret to the orthodontic treatment is the gradual and gentle pressure exerted by the clear aligners to shift the teeth into their correct position guided by the exact movements planned out by your dentist or orthodontist using Clin Check 3D software. This software can encourage you to use the aligners as we can show you the likely final tooth position which can be achieved if you complete the treatment successfully.