Fluoride Varnish

Our mouth contains bacteria that feed on the sugars in the foods we eat and the beverages we drink. This produces acid that can wear away the hard, outer shell of your tooth (enamel). This can lead to cavities. Fluoride protects teeth by making your teeth stronger and more resistant to acid, not only reducing the risk of cavities but even helping to reverse the early signs of decay. Unfortunately some children are more susceptible to cavities than others - genetics and salivary flow (how much saliva your child’s mouth is producing in a day) play a big role in this. In cases where, despite all parents’ and careers’ efforts, a child still has decay, fluoride varnish is applied by the dental care professional directly to the tooth surface to prevent cavities.

We recommend fluoride varnish applications twice a year for all children above two years of age.

Interested in Fluoride Varnish for your kids? Contact us today to arrange a consultation