Crowns And Bridges

Trauma, tooth decay and gradual wear are all contributing factors to the deterioration of tooth health.

Once a tooth has begun to deteriorate, it is left open to further decay and weakening. This is why if you have damaged teeth or missing teeth, crowns and bridges may be a suitable treatment for you.

Crowns can successfully restore and replace natural teeth through the strategic placement of an artificial tooth or layer of biocompatible material. Porcelain crowns are strong, long lasting and look great! Virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth, crowns restore function and aesthetically enhance your smile by fitting precisely over a tooth.

A bridge can replace up to 3 teeth. Teeth on either side of the space are crowned, with the space then filled with the artificial teeth anchored to each crown.

For further information on restorative treatment like Crowns & Bridges or to book a consultation contact us on 9008039243/80-29900996.